EGGLESS MANGO MOUSSE CAKE : Two weeks ago, I made this mousse cake for a grill party, everyone liked it and appreciated this fusion dessert. I baked the cake in aluminum foil and added mango mouse and glaze over the same foil and took it to the party…So this eggless mango mousse cake doesn’t need any special cake ring or spring foam pan to prepare. My little one
liked it so much and asked for the same dessert again and again, so I made it recently for him. For the glossy mango glaze I have used plant based thickening agar agar and please feel free to replace with any veg options available, here comes the post in detail…
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Mango Puree Vs Preserve
When I made this recipe in 2013, I used fresh mango puree. But nowadays due to high temperature in summer mangoes are ripening very quick. So when I buy a box of mangoes (box will have 18 mangoes usually), puree it, boil for couple of minutes with sugar and lemon juice and store in mason jar for future use. That Mango puree preserve I used here for this entire recipe and for many mango recipes.
So homemade fresh Mango puree is a uncooked, sugar free and preservative free but mango puree preserve is almost similar to store bought one which is cooked with added sugar and lemon or lime juice , a natural preservative. I will be talking more about this in HOMEMADE MANGO PUREE PRESERVE post.

Agar Agar Vs Gelatin
Gelatin is a colorless substance that is derived from animal bones and skin. Agar Agar is the perfect Vegetarian , Vegan substitute to traditional gelatin. It’s made from a plant source rather than from an animal one.
Agar Agar sets more firmly than gelatin, and stays firm even when the temperature heats up. Yes it sets at room temperature where as gelatin based dessert sets in refrigerator. But for this mousse recipe since it has whipped cream I preferred setting it in refrigerator.
I got the below information form Agar Agar package which I purchased from Amazon.
1tsp agar agar powder = 8tsp gelatin powder but some sources say 3:1 ratio of Gelatin : Agar Agar
melting point for agar agar is 185F and gelatin is 77-104F
solidifying point for agar agar is 90F-104F and for gelatin is 60F
How to Use Agar Agar in Recipes
- Agar Agar Powder and Flakes are different
- For very light setting 1 cup mousse needs 1/4tsp of agar agar powder.
- Example Mango Mousse where I use 3/4tsp agar agar for 2.5cups of mousse.
- For Medium Mousse setting 1 Cup needs 1/2tsp of Agar Agar Powder
- Example Mango Mousse to layer this mousse cake I used 1.5tsp agar agar for 2.5cups of mousse.
- For firm setting 1 cup needs 2tsp of Agar Agar Powder.
- Recommending for Mousse glaze in cake and Mango Jelly in Cake
EGG FREE HOT MILK SPONGE CAKE – 2, almost 3/4″ height 10X10″ cake layers
VEGETARIAN MANGO MOUSSE – Used 2.25 cups of prepared MOUSSE
I have few eggless and egg based vanilla cake recipes in my space, you can make it either using square or round cake pans, links given below…
- Egg less Butterless Vanilla Cake Recipe
- Cardamom Flavored Pressure Cooker Cake
- Basic Sponge Birthday Cake
- Princess Cake Recipe
- For more eggless cakes do check HERE

In this recipe I used EGGLESS HOT MILK SPONGE CAKE (have to make a separate post) but I have provided the recipe card here itself below.
Unbleached All Purpose Flour – 1 and 1/4 Cup
Hung Yogurt – 1/2 Cup
Whole Milk – 1/2 Cup Minus 1/2 Tbsp
Unsalted Butter – 5 Tbsp
Regular Sugar – 1/2 Cup + 2 Tbsp
Vanilla Extract – 1/2tsp OR
Cardamom Powder – 1tsp
Baking Powder – 1tsp
Baking Soda – 1/2tsp
Salt – 1/8tsp
- I have provided cake batter preparation in the VIDEO TUTORIAL very clearly do check it out.
- Pour the prepared batter in butter and flour greased square pan (PIC 1).
- Slightly tap to even the batter and don’t over work on it (PIC 2).
- Bake @350F/180C for 12-15 minutes, once done (PIC 3) allow to cool over wire rack for 10 mins.
- Later loosen the sides and flip the cake pan over cooling rack, so bottom side upwards (PIC 4).
- Let it cool for 10 minutes and turn it upside, do allow to cool completely.
- Also the 1.25cup flour measurement in this recipe gives only 1 layer of almost 3/4″ cake.

- Either double the batter, bake in one pan (baking time varies) and divide the cake horizontally in to 2 layers.
- OR prepare the batter twice and bake twice like I did
- OR prepare double cake batter and divide the batter in to half and bake in two different pans.
- Unlike regular cake batter you cant let the hot milk cake batter in room temperature or store in refrigerator, once you add warm milk do pour immediately in the pan and bake it to get the porous sponge.
- Add room temperature Mango Juice or Water to dissolve AGAR AGAR Powder (PIC 1).
- It absorbs the liquid and once it blooms/swells (approx 5 mins, PIC 2), do bring the mixture to boil.
- It takes little time to melt , once it melted (PIC 3) and become liquid do add to prepared warm mango puree or preserve.
- There is another way , instead of boiling the solid AGAR AGAR mixture, add it to boiling mango puree (PIC 4 & 5)

- Boil in low flame until it melted completely.
- Once it melted the mixture looks shiny and glossy like shown in PIC 6.

This MANGO JELLY is purely optional for this recipe yet brings a good look to the cake when you take it to party gettogethers otherwise do add freshly chopped mangoes instead of this jelly.
Mango Puree – 1/2 Cup +
Sugar – 2 Tbsp
Or Prepared Puree Preserve – 1/2 Cup
Agar Agar Powder – 1tsp
Mango Nectar/Juice – 1 Tbsp
Opt Flavor – A Pinch
- Like explained above dissolve AGAR AGAR in warm water or juice for 5 minutes, later melt it by boiling the mixture.
- Once it turned liquid do add to the puree or boil the solid agar agar with mango puree.
- The prepared jelly mixture will be like shown in PIC 1.
- Add it to the aluminum foil covered cake pan, PIC 2.
- Place this mixture in refrigerator for 1-2hours or until it set, PIC 3.

- Later chop in to tiny pieces, PIC 4 & 5 and pour them on a tray (PIC 6).
- Store in refrigerator until you use in the recipe.
I usually use a minimal quantity of agar agar to prepare mango mousse which is enough for a light and airy mousse. And it is good to have as it is in a single serve cup. But for this mousse cake I added a bit more agar agar since it is used to fill each cake layer which needs little firmness to hold its shape. So for this mango mousse cake you need 2.25 cups of prepared mango mousse. For that you need the exact below ingredients
Heavy Cream – 3/4 Cup
Mango Preserves – 1 Cup
Agar Agar Powder – 1.5tsp
Cardamom Powder – 1tsp
Mango Juice – 2 Tbsp
- Puree the fresh mangoes (Pic 2) or take mango preserve to prepare mousse.
- Dissolve agar agar powder in warm water or mango juice.
- In 5mins it swells then bring the mixture to boil.
- Simmer for 3-4minutes for the mixture to completely melt and looks like clear liquid.
- Mix well with warm mango puree preserve.
- Let it come to room temperature, Meanwhile whip the heavy cream in a separate bowl.
- Once it attains medium peaks where cream leaves trails do add icing sugar as desired.
- Also add mango flavor or cardamom powder as desired.
- Refrigerate the whipped cream till you use.
- When agar agar mango puree mixture is fully cooled add the mixture to whipped cream and continue whipping till firm peaks.
- Do refer video tutorial or step by step pictures in MANGO MOUSSE RECIPE.
- Don’t let the prepared mousse stay long without using it in the cake because it sets quickly and in that case its tough to spread over the cake.
- Make sure you have MANGO MOUSSE , SPONGE CAKE LAYERS and MANGO NECTAR in hand.
- Even the top layer of the cake, some cake rise in the middle so do trim and make it even before assembling.
- Use Aluminum tray or cake pans or glass bowl with enough height to hold your mousse cake.
- I use the same cake pan (PIC 5), covered it with two layers of aluminum foil (PIC 5 & 6 ABOVE) to lift the mousse cake once its set.
- Make sure you hang excess foil on the sides for easy lifting (PIC 6, above).
- Place a layer of cake (PIC 1) in the prepared pan and pour in mango nectar (PIC 2).
- Let it sit in room temperature for 30minutes to absorb the juice, if you need do prick after adding nectar as well.
- Once its well soaked do add prepared half of MANGO MOUSSE and spread it evenly (PIC 4).
- Also add the chopped MANGO JELLY(which prepared before) or chopped mangoes and arrange like shown in PIC 5.
- Slightly push down the jelly into the mousse using cake spatula like shown in PIC 6.

- Allow to set for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, meanwhile you can prepare CHOCOLATE DECORATIONS.
- Later place the another cake layer, prick with fork (PIC 7) and pour the mango nectar.
- Once nectar soaks up the cake (PIC 8) do spread the remaining MANGO MOUSSE PIC 9.
- Arrange the chopped MANGO JELLY (refer VIDEO TUTORIAL), press slightly down inside mousse and let it set for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

- Meanwhile prepare the MANGO GLAZE for this EGGLESS MANGO MOUSSE CAKE (PIC 10).

Mango Puree – 1.25 Cup +
Sugar – 1/3 Cup OR
Mango Preserve – 1.25 Cup
Agar Agar Powder – 2.5tsp
Mango Nectar / Juice – 2 Tbsp
Vanilla or Mango Flavor – 1/2tspYIELDS 1.25 Cups of MANGO GLAZE
- Dissolve AGAR AGAR in water or juice, let it sit for 5 minutes or until blooms.
- Boil AGAR AGAR mixture and add to prepared MANGO PRESERVE OR
- Boil mango puree with sugar in low flame once it comes to rolling boil add agar agar mixture.
- Adjust sugar according to your taste , since I use homemade Mango Puree Preserve which has sugar and lemon I didn’t add any extra sugar.
- The glaze mixture should be like shown in PIC 10 above, shiny and glossy, let it cool to room temperature.
- Once Mango glaze is cooled down, pour gently over chilled MANGO MOUSSE CAKE & even the glaze PIC 11.
- Keep this mixture back in refrigerator for 3-4hours or until it set.
- When you touch it should not stick in your fingers, do check NOTES section for more tips.

- Once its set, gently lift the mousse cake using excess aluminum foil hanging on the sides of the pan (PIC 1).
- Trim the edges of the cake like shown in PIC 2 for neat mousse cake slices.
- Here it is all set to cut the layered Eggless Mango Mousse Cake.
- Make sure the cake is chill enough then cut the cake in to half refer PIC 3.
- Slice into 1.5″ width cake as shown in PIC 4.
- This yields 12 MANGO MOUSSE CAKE slices.
- Decorate with prepared chocolate strands, triangles, strawberry fans and blueberries.
- I have detailed chocolate decoration in VIDEO TUTORIAL @14.54mins for CHOCOLATE STRANDS and CHOCOLATE TRIANGLES @19.40 MINUTES , do check it out.
- For Strawberry fans do check this VIDEO

- What’s next, Enjoy each bite 🙂 (PIC 6).

- Unbleached All Purpose Flour – 1 and 1/4 Cup
- Hung Yogurt – 1/2 Cup
- Whole Milk – 1/2 Cup Minus 1/2 Tbsp
- Unsalted Butter – 5 Tbsp
- Regular Sugar – 1/2 Cup + 2 Tbsp
- Vanilla Extract – 1/2tsp OR
- Cardamom Powder – 1tsp
- Baking Powder – 1tsp
- Baking Soda – 1/2tsp
- Salt – 1/8tsp
- Mango Puree – 1/2 Cup +
- Sugar – 2 Tbsp
- Or Prepared Puree Preserve – 1/2 Cup
- Agar Agar Powder – 1tsp
- Mango Nectar/Juice – 1 Tbsp
- Opt Flavor – A Pinch
- Mango Puree – 1.25 Cup +
- Sugar – 1/3 Cup OR
- Mango Preserve – 1.25 Cup
- Agar Agar Powder – 2.5tsp
- Mango Nectar / Juice – 2 Tbsp
- Vanilla or Mango Flavor – 1/2tsp
Add room temperature Mango Juice or Water to dissolve AGAR AGAR (PIC 1).
It absorbs the liquid and once it blooms/swells (approx 5 mins, PIC 2), do bring the mixture to boil.
It takes little time to melt , once it melted (PIC 3) and become liquid do add to prepared warm mango puree or preserve.
There is another way , instead of boiling the solid AGAR AGAR mixture, add it to boiling mango puree (PIC 4 & 5)
Boil in low flame until it melted completely.
Once it melted the mixture looks shiny and glossy like shown in PIC 6.
This MANGO JELLY is purely optional for this recipe yet brings a good look to the cake when you take it to party gettogethers otherwise do add freshly chopped mangoes instead of this jelly.
Like explained above dissolve AGAR AGAR in warm water or juice for 5 minutes, later melt it by boiling the mixture.
Once it turned liquid do add to the puree or boil the solid agar agar with mango puree.
The prepared jelly mixture will be like shown in PIC 1.
Add it to the aluminum foil covered cake pan, PIC 2.
Place this mixture in refrigerator for 1-2hours or until it set, PIC 3.
Puree the fresh mangoes (Pic 2) or take mango preserve to prepare mousse.
Dissolve agar agar powder in warm water or mango juice.
In 5mins it swells then bring the mixture to boil.
Simmer for 3-4minutes for the mixture to completely melt and looks like clear liquid.
Mix well with warm mango puree preserve.
Let it come to room temperature, Meanwhile whip the heavy cream in a separate bowl.
Once it attains medium peaks where cream leaves trails do add icing sugar as desired.
Also add mango flavor or cardamom powder as desired.
Refrigerate the whipped cream till you use.
When agar agar mango puree mixture is fully cooled add the mixture to whipped cream and continue whipping till firm peaks.
Do refer video tutorial or step by step pictures in MANGO MOUSSE RECIPE.
Don’t let the prepared mousse stay long without using it in the cake because it sets quickly and in that case its tough to spread over the cake.
Make sure you have MANGO MOUSSE , SPONGE CAKE LAYERS and MANGO NECTAR in hand.
Even the top layer of the cake, some cake rise in the middle so do trim and make it even before assembling.
Use Aluminum tray or cake pans or glass bowl with enough height to hold your mousse cake.
I use the same cake pan (PIC 5), covered it with two layers of aluminum foil (PIC 5 & 6 ABOVE) to lift the mousse cake once its set.
Make sure you hang excess foil on the sides for easy lifting (PIC 6, above).
Place a layer of cake (PIC 1) in the prepared pan and pour in mango nectar (PIC 2).
Let it sit in room temperature for 30minutes to absorb the juice, if you need do prick after adding nectar as well.
Once its well soaked do add prepared half of MANGO MOUSSE and spread it evenly (PIC 4).
Also add the chopped MANGO JELLY(which prepared before) or chopped mangoes and arrange like shown in PIC 5.
Slightly push down the jelly into the mousse using cake spatula like shown in PIC 6.
Allow to set for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, meanwhile you can prepare CHOCOLATE DECORATIONS.
Later place the another cake layer, prick with fork (PIC 7) and pour the mango nectar.
Once nectar soaks up the cake (PIC 8) do spread the remaining MANGO MOUSSE PIC 9.
Arrange the chopped MANGO JELLY (refer VIDEO TUTORIAL), press slightly down inside mousse and let it set for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
Meanwhile prepare the MANGO GLAZE for this EGGLESS MANGO MOUSSE CAKE (PIC 10).
Dissolve AGAR AGAR in water or juice, let it sit for 5 minutes or until blooms.
Boil AGAR AGAR mixture and add to prepared MANGO PRESERVE OR
Boil mango puree with sugar in low flame once it comes to rolling boil add agar agar mixture.
Adjust sugar according to your taste , since I use homemade Mango Puree Preserve which has sugar and lemon I didn’t add any extra sugar.
The glaze mixture should be like shown in PIC 10 above, shiny and glossy, let it cool to room temperature.
Once Mango glaze is cooled down, pour gently over chilled MANGO MOUSSE CAKE & even the glaze PIC 11.
Keep this mixture back in refrigerator for 3-4hours or until it set.
When you touch it should not stick in your fingers, do check NOTES section for more tips.
Once its set, gently lift the mousse cake using excess aluminum foil hanging on the sides of the pan (PIC 1).
Trim the edges of the cake like shown in PIC 2 for neat mousse cake slices.
Here it is all set to cut the layered Eggless Mango Mousse Cake.
Make sure the cake is chill enough then cut the cake in to half refer PIC 3.
Slice into 1.5″ width cake as shown in PIC 4.
This yields 12 MANGO MOUSSE CAKE slices.
Decorate with prepared chocolate strands, triangles, strawberry fans and blueberries.
I have detailed chocolate decoration in VIDEO TUTORIAL @14.54mins for CHOCOLATE STRANDS and CHOCOLATE TRIANGLES @19.40 MINUTES , do check it out.
For Strawberry fans do check this VIDEO
I like your idea and seems will be a crowd pleaser, thank you for your upload. Although I wanted to specify- traditional 'gelatin' is fish bone powder. Unless you are using a vegan/vegetarian gelatin substitute it would be technically non-vegetarian glaze.
Jared you can use oven safe small glass bowls or mini round cake pans like springform sets then bake and fill the cake as i did here!!!
how do we make this cake smaller?
This looks fabulous dear …yum yummy !!
looks so yummy and perfect..
Wonderful presentation…looks yummy 🙂
Wow, fabulous!!! Bookmarking!! Nice space you have 🙂
Wow what a delicious N yummy cake looks great….
looks amazing ! so perfect and colorful !
delicious innovative dessert
So so so yummy :)cant take my eyes off:)
Cake looks so soft and spongy. love those layers.
Damn cute and very attractive dessert, prefect for summer season..
Looks very yummy dear.. Perfect glaze & a perfect cake. Soft & moist & tender !!
appadiyae oru parcel ingae annupanga sangee 🙂
Woe looks very tempting, love the texture and color…
looks tempting
Wow…looks so tempting n delicious…love it! Wanted to try this mango cheesecske for long time, now u tempted me more..will try it soon 🙂
looks fantastic,i would finish it anytime.
looks like treat for mango lover.. so yummy
wow this so interesting and looks superb 🙂
yummy cake and love its texture